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What was he in once again? Google Participate in Movies delivers info cards to the United kingdom

Google has rolled out an update for its British isles Play Movies app regarding Android, introducing the convenient information charge cards that presented in the US recording.
The feature allows users in order to pause the video and view information regarding the actors currently on screen, the related movies as well as TV shows, as well as information about your soundtrack (sorry Shazam).

Users could tap for the lovely actors’ faces to see their own filmographies, age, homeland and the additional associated goods available from the particular Google Play store.
The feature is similar to your Amazon X-Ray to the Kindle Fire as well as saves a vacation in IMDb when trying to respond to the age old ‘what else has your woman been in?I question.
More Connector Black information
"The very next time you’re observing a movie on the internet Play you can find out that it’s Jack Black, who had been born inside Hermosa Beach, California and is Forty-four years old," the organization wrote about the Google British Google+ page.
"In england, we’ve additional info credit cards to the Yahoo Play Movies & TV app so you can effortlessly learn more about the actual actors, associated films and even what song is actively playing in many of one’s favourite motion pictures."

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