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Ways to Reinstall Windows Defender Firewall in Windows 10

In case the Windows Defender Firewall stops functioning the way it should then the only option is to uninstall it. When the firewall does not work, the PC is more likely open to the threats and viruses. Hence the only option to make the firewall work is to reinstall it completely.

In case, a PC gets infected, the malware or virus changes the firewall settings, which in turn makes this security tool do no work. So when the users aim at configuring firewall settings they land up messing everything.

How to Reinstall Windows Defender Firewall in Windows 10

To reinstall the integrated security tool you need to use a list of commands in the elevated Command Prompt. The elevated command prompt gives you the administrator rights and hence is simpler to use. For that, you need to launch the Command Prompt and then input a right tap. Out of the option- list, choose Command Prompt Admin. To know the further action tap here - How to Reinstall Windows Defender Firewall in Windows 10

Ways to Reinstall Windows Defender Firewall in Windows 10

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