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How to Remove VPN / PPOE connection on Windows 10

Wi-Fi connection has become much popular and is being used by many people all over world to establish connection between two devices to exchange data or connect internet. So, there is no longer use of PPPOE or VPN connection on Windows 10 and it should be eradicated or removed from computer system. How can PPOE or VPN be removed from system is explained under.

Steps to Delete / Remove VPN or PPPOE Connection on Windows 10 –

#. Start process opening Control panel under which select Network and Sharing Center.

#. Network and Sharing Center will come on screen where you have to click on Change adapter settings link.

#. Network connections window will come on screen where you have to search and select VPN or PPPOE connections and click on Delete this connection option.

#. A confirm connection delete window will come, click on Yes button to delete.

Now VPN or PPPOE connection will be removed / deleted from system. 

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