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Block Autoplaying video on Chrome With AutoplayStopper

At times we often tend to get interrupted by the videos that start playing all by itself while visiting few websites in Chrome. The videos out there are mostly related to advertisement and promotional items and Chrome does not stop it as they are the largest source of income for them. But the worst part is that the videos start playing automatically.

AutoplayStopper is the extension of Chrome that helps in stopping the autoplay of the videos with ease. As soon as you add the same to the Chrome, it places its icon on the taskbar of the browser. The current extension is good at stopping almost all the sites that play unasked videos while trying to have a look at them.

Block Autoplaying video on Chrome With AutoplayStopper

Not only are these videos irritating, they also use a great part of data and at times maximize your CPU utilization. This utility is easily available in the official store of the browser and thus the only thing required to do is getting it from there. To know how to get it from there and other details read the guide here - Stop video Autoplaying on Chrome Using AutoplayStopper

Block Autoplaying video on Chrome With AutoplayStopper

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