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How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge using PowerShell or CMD

 Previously you could remove the built-in browser Microsoft Edge from Windows Settings easily. But from when the stable version is being delivered via Windows update you cannot find the option in Apps & features or Program & features that lets the app uninstall. Instead, you can see dead links there to Modify and Uninstall Microsoft Edge.

Here Windows PowerShell comes into play that allows you to remove Microsoft Edge again very easily. The only task you need is to locate the full package names and then run a cmdlet for complete uninstallation. See the method -

Uninstall Microsoft Edge PowerShell

Here is How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge using PowerShell in Windows 10 -

Click the Search on the taskbar and type - powershell.

Select the Yes when User account control dialog prompts.

Copy the text - get-appxpackage *edge*.

Paste it into the PowerShell.

Press the - Enter.

You will notice a list having every Microsoft Edge version such as Stable, Dev, Beta, Canary in return.

Copy the PackageFullName under the name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.

Now Type remove-appxpackage” and press space on your keyboard.

Paste PackageFullName after that.

The full command will be like

remove-appxpackage Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_44.19041.423.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Note - Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_44.19041.423.0_neutral__8wekyb3d8bbwe is my PackageFullName.

Paste the command into Windows PowerShell after PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> and hit Enter.

Sometimes this PowerShell method does not work to Uninstall Microsoft Edge. However, don't worry, you can still remove the built-in web browser using command prompt on Windows 10 very easily.  See further -

How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge using CMD Command Prompt

Press the Win+R and paste C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\.

Hit the - Enter.

You will see a list of folders including the one similar to “85.0.564.63”.

Now, Press Win+S and then type cmd.

Select Run as administrator from the right pane of the result.

Paste the following text in the command prompt -

cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\85.0.564.63\Installer"

Replace 85.0.564.63 with your folder name found in step 2 and press Enter.

Next, enter the following command -

“setup.exe –uninstall –system-level –verbose-logging –force-uninstall”

This will fortunately Uninstall Microsoft Edge in a few seconds.

But one drawback of this method is the legacy Microsoft will be restored automatically after the removal of the Chromium version. Again not to worry about because you are able to uninstall the old Microsoft Edge in a couple of steps.

How to Uninstall the restored classic Microsoft Edge

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