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4 Useful Tools for Checking Grammar and Spelling errors Online.

Useful Tools for Checking Grammar and Spelling errors Online.

Here I am going to writing about four useful tools to find out spelling and grammar error occur during writing an article on any specific topic.

In fact, before publishing our written article in any magazine or website, we need to check its error once again. At that time we need someone who can check our written matter. Because our published article should be correct and unique in every aspect for readers.  But, sometimes there is no one available to check our work correctly and properly. Especially in that situation when we think that our English in not better. It is necessary to check out the mistakes. For this purpose, there are four important tools available on following websites by which can know spelling and grammatical error and after identifying the mistakes, we can correct them ----

(1)  Polish my Writing – It is an online website where we can check our written text regarding spelling and grammatical errors. To check errors in our text go through the link given below

At home page of this website simply paste your written text in given box and press on check writing button. After pressing this button, all mistakes regarding spelling and grammar will be underlined. Now you can click the underlined word and see the possible suggestions for correction.

(2)    White Smoke --    This is another website available on the internet, through which we can know about errors about and spelling and grammar. this tool can be accessed through this link --

In this website,  you can check maximum 250 words of paragraphs at a time.

(3) Spell check plus - It is also an online tool to check spelling mistakes in our written paragraph. This tool can be visited through the link provided below -

This tool describes your errors.

(4)  Spell Checker -- This is also a website, where writers can check for mistakes related to grammar and spelling. This tool can be used through the link given here like this --

At all of above pages of tools, you have to only copy and paste your written text and click on the given button for checking the errors regarding spelling and grammar.

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