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How to Set New Pane for Date and Time on Windows 10

A new pane for date and time has been brought by Microsoft in its latest operating system Windows 10 Build 9901 which attracts its users too much. It is designed to attract more and more users by its beautiful look. This is first time that such type of pane for date and time has been introduced. It looks like Modern or Metro style. It is mainly designed for the touch screen devices where it works smoothly and on desktop screen it works slowly. If you want to use this feature in your devices then follow steps I am writing under.

Steps to set new pane for date and time on windows 10 build 9901 –

#. First of all, launch Run dialog box using Windows and R key altogether at a time.

#. Write regedit in the command box in run dialog box and press Ok button.

#. Thereupon, you will get Registry Editor Dialog box on computer screen.
#. Navigate yourself at ImmersiveSheel using following path.


#. Create a new DWORD value in ImmersiveShell pane by right clicking at any where 
and selecting DWORD (32 bit) value.

#. Rename it by UseWin32TrayClockExperience and Set its vaule as 0.

#. Now click on the time icon available at right bottom corner of desktop then you will get a new pane of date and time.

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